Saturday, June 8, 2013

Welcome to "No Dog Shops Blog"! This is our very 1st post!

A few questions you may ask before you get involved in a blog.

1: Who am I?
First of all I want to introduce myself. My name is Pasquale and this is my blog.
I live in NJ and I have 2 dogs of my own. One is a somewhat of a celebrity.
We'll go deeper into that at some point :) .

2: What do I want to accomplish?
I created this blog because of my love for dogs. I also plan on helping cats
with the help of this blog at some point soon.

3: What's my mission?
My mission is to help people understand why they shouldn't shop Pet stores
that sell dogs or cats! Maybe sell rescue dogs with a rescue group or shelter!
I'm all for making a living. Just not at the expense of thousands of dogs being 
murdered daily! 

4:How do I plan on making this happen?
First thing I need to do is to educate the public on why this is so important.
Then I need to reach out to the people who have the power to make these
changes law!

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